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Advertising on MJR.Towers

  • Conditions
  • Payment Options


I've started getting advertising enquiries, so this page explains my policy on advertising on my site, as far as I've worked it out so far. If you don't mind, please read the conditions and leave me a comment if you think I've missed something.


These conditions aim to keep the site reputable and useful for myself and all advertisers.

Adverts must: be legal and ethical; be advertising something legal and ethical; and be expressable as valid xhtml/CSS (may be an image if the page is small - I can make images or xhtml/CSS if needed).

Adverts should: be relevant to the page on which they are being placed. If I don't think an ad is relevant, I will advise the advertiser and may accept or decline the advert.

Adverts will: be posted once payment notification is received; and be removed if the payment does not clear or the advertised product changes (including domains falling to squatters, scammers taking the phone number, the target appearing in too many abuse reports and so on).

Adverts may: be marked with a + symbol which links to this page; be removed after a year; not influence my writing (spam me and you will still appear in a Hall of Shame); and not appear in syndication feeds (not all my republishers like all adverts);

I will try my best to keep this site up and running, but I do not guarantee it because it depends on many things and I do not control all of them.

Payment Options

Advertising on this site is sold by my company TTLLP and can be paid by direct bank transfer (preferred), UK cards (OK), or Paypal (if you must). Details will be supplied during negotiation.

Rates vary according to advert type, placement and number of adverts purchased.

Comments / Enquiries

This is copyright 2007 MJ Ray. See fuller notice on front page.