The Walks Comments Sheet [logo]

Please give us your views on the future of The Walks

Tell us about you - are you:
Male Female A Parent
Young Person 5-12yrs Young Person 12-18yrs Retired

1. Do you use the Walks? Yes No

2. If yes.....
How often? |
At what times? |
What for? |

3. What do you like about the Walks?

4. What do you dislike about the Walks?

5. Have you any comments about how the Walks should be used or improved?

Please place this survey in a WAG postbox or send to WAG, c/o 24 Avenue Road, Kings Lynn.

Thank you for your help. This survey will be available on The Walks web page.

or you can print it, put it in a WAG postbox or post to WAG, c/o 24 Avenue Road, Kings Lynn.