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MJR: Cooperatives-SW

photo I was re-elected to the directors of Cooperatives-SW in October 2007. You may also want to read about things that happened in my previous term on it.

LLP Cooperatives

Posted by mjr 2008-04-10 (permalink)

Limited Liability Partnerships are a relatively new company form here, but it has some interesting opportunities for cooperatives. I work for one (TTLLP) so I've gathered some useful links:-

uniteddiversity LLP (some of those behind The Open Coop)

Limited Liability Partnerships @ Co-opNet

Chris Cook's web site appears to include contributions from 2amase's Bev Meldrum. At least I think it's Chris Cook's web site...

2amase LLP's web site forwards to which says they have a Plymouth office, but says nothing about their current status. They're listed on and again

Sticking LLP into the search is amusing.

Companies House - Formation and Names - GBLLP1 and Administration and Management - GBLLP2

The governing laws are Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 and BIM72505 - Partnership Act 1890

Any feedback you have on the above would be helpful.

Anyway, hope that helps. Let me know how you get on with a comment, please, or if the new LLP needs a web site or hosting... ;-)

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Albert Lash comments:

"Here in the US - LLPs and LLCs are good for professionals like lawyers and accountants, as well as individuals who run their own business and face large amounts of relatively low risk investments - like residential contractors (home builders).

For my software shop I chose a "Sub-S" corporation as its manageable from an accounting and tax basis, but also provides a fair amount of risk protection if and when the company grows larger. In the beginning entrepreneurs really have to assume the risk no matter what.

Good luck!"

Thanks for the luck. By the way, I had a surprising email yesterday from someone who I thought already had their LLP agreement sorted out, asking to see ours. I wonder what they'll make of it...

Comment form for non-frame browsers.

Comments are moderated (damn spammers) but almost anything sensible gets approved (albeit eventually). If you give a web address, I'll link it. I won't publish your email address unless you ask me to, but I'll email you a link when the comment is posted, or the reason why it's not posted.

South-West MP Promotes Credit Unions as Reasonable Universal Credit

Posted by mjr 2008-02-28 (permalink)

John Penrose said:

"[...] the credit union movement in this country is exactly the kind of excellent initiative that [...] fulfils many of the necessary and vital functions that she has mentioned and is aimed at those at the bottom of the income scale."


I've emailed him a thank-you and been told that ABCUL will explain to Fiona Mactaggart how they're working to increase coverage and capacity. I've noticed credit unions in the south-west expanding their areas, or merging in order to serve more members. I think we've also got a credit union rep on the board of Cooperatives-SW again. Yay.

Now, back to coding.

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Local Strategic Partnerships and Strategic Economic Partnerships

Posted by mjr 2008-02-21 (permalink)

Are any worker cooperatives reading this involved in any Local Strategic Partnerships or Strategic Economic Partnerships? If so, please contact me (use the contact form on the page for this post and mark it "not for publication"). I've some questions about it from a Regional Cooperative Council.

Any other comments about LSPs and SEPs can be fed back if you want to send them to me. As an example, our local LSP is

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